We are seeking highly motivated individuals with a proven research track record to join the Chen Laboratory at the Centre for Genomic Health at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University.

Scholarship: Fully funded
Degree:  PhD
Nationality: International Students
Location: USA
Application deadlines: Open

Scholarship Description:

Dr Shuibing Chen is the Kilts Family Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Surgery and Director of the Center for Genomic Health at Weill Cornell Medicine. We aim to create a multidisciplinary, highly interactive environment with chemists, biologists, engineers and bioinformaticians, and to develop or apply new technologies to address critical issues in stem cell biology and translational research.
Chenlaboratory hasestablished a platform containing 14 types of human pluripotent stem cells (hpsc-derived cells/orananoids.), which has been applied to modelina diabetes, infectiousdiseasecanceretc.We are creating a “Human Tissue Village Program” to understand the impact of human genetic heterogeneity on health outcomes with the goal of developpersonalisedprevention and treatment to improve patient health. For more information, please visit Chenlab at http://www.chen-stemcell-lab.com/. Specific projects will be discussed and tailored to individual interests and training.

 Available Subjects:

  • 1.2-3 Postdoctoral fellows
  • 2.1-2 Bioinformaticians
  • 1 Research Assistants

Eligibility criteria:

  • Expertise in one or more of the following areas is preferred: developmental biology, stem cell and regenerative biology, chemical biology, molecular and cell biology, disease modelling, bioinformatics, epidemiology or related fields.

Application Procedure:

  • Please send a curriculum vitae, a summary of previous research experience and future research interests, and contact information for three references To [email protected]