
Postdoctoral Fellowship and Associate Research Fellowship in Lu Peng Ye’s Laboratory, Institute of Modern Biology, Nanjing University

Scholarship: Full award
Degree: Ph.D
Nationality: International Students
Location: China
Application deadlines: Open until filled.

Scholarship Description:

Dr. Ye Lupeng, Professor and PhD supervisor, received his PhD degree in 2015 from Zhejiang University, specializing in biochemistry and molecular biology. He was promoted to Associate Research Scientist in July 2021. His research interests include gene editing and tumor immunotherapy. In recent years, Dr. Ye has been working on the development of novel CRISPR gene editing tools and the use of self-developed CRISPR screening platforms to identify potential new immunotherapy targets and immune enhancers, which can then be genetically modified in primary mice or human T cells to provide enhanced anti-tumor effects. So far, Dr. Ye has identified several new immunotherapeutic targets. He is also interested in genetic modification and cell therapy of CAR-T cells, immunometabolism, immune escape, and cancer migration, and has produced some original results. To date, he has published many SCI papers as first or co-first author in Nature Biotechnology, Cell Metabolism (In press), Cell, Nature Methods, Cell Discovery, etc. The total impact factor of first and co-first author papers is over 175 points. His research has been featured in Faculty1000, Nature Reviews Cancer, Yale Scientific Magazine, Yale News, Health Canal, Medical Xpress, Phys.Org, Environmental News Network, etc. He has filed more than ten patents in recent years, including three international patents. Dr. Ye has also served as a reviewer for several journals including Theranostics (2020 IF 11.583), Cell Discovery (2020 IF 10.849), Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids (2020 IF 8.886). Dr. Lupeng Ye joined the Institute of Modern Biology, Nanjing University in 2021 as an Assistant Professor, Distinguished Research Fellow and PhD Supervisor. We are now inviting young and enthusiastic researchers to join us to develop and conduct basic research in the fields of gene editing, tumor immunotherapy and cell therapy.

Available Subjects:

Molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, tumour biology, computational biology, bioinformatics, or gene editing;

Eligibility criteria:

  1. Good scientific training during the PhD, with first authorship of influential papers in the field published in important international journals; experience in bioinformatics (proficiency in big data analysis, e.g. RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, scRNA-seq, proteomic and metabolomic, and genetic screening data analysis) or animal modelling is preferred. Experience in bioinformatics (proficiency in big data analysis such as RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, scRNA-seq, proteomic and metabolomic, and genetic screening data analysis) or animal modeling is preferred. In addition to the above requirements, candidates for Associate Research should have postdoctoral experience.
  2. Passionate about research, with the ability to conduct independent research and excellent experimental operation skills; strong English listening, speaking and reading skills.
  3. Have the ability to apply for funds independently and participate in project applications in the laboratory.
  4. Love life, like sports, good at communication and communication, willing to help others, rich in strong teamwork spirit.

Application Procedure:

Please send your CV, a brief outline of your future research plans or directions, and relevant supporting documents as a single PDF file to in the format “Name – Postdoctoral/Associate Researcher Application”. Please also provide two to three letters of recommendation (to be submitted directly by the referees to Applications will be treated in strict confidence and will not be returned. Interviews will be arranged as soon as possible for those who pass the initial screening. We look forward to hearing from you!

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