
Several PhD scholarship positions at Aalto University in Finland, a leading European university

Scholarship: Fully funded
Degree: BS, MS, Ph.D
Nationality: International Students
Location: Finland
Application deadlines: Open until positions are filled

Scholarship Description:

Aalto University (Aalto), located in Helsinki, Finland, is an old and innovative Nordic institution of higher education and a member of the Nordic Five. Its history dates back to the establishment of the Helsinki University of Technology in 1849, which was later merged in 2010 with the Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki University of Art and Design and the Helsinki School of Economics, three renowned universities in their respective fields. More than half of Finland’s engineers come from this university, which specialises in education and research in the fields of engineering and technology, design and business.

Aalto is ranked 110th in the world in the 2022 QS World Engineering and Technology Rankings. It is ranked in the following disciplines: Architecture (42), Computer Science and Information Systems (84), Materials Science (95), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (97); as well as 6th in the world for Art and Design and 74th in the world for Business and Management Studies.

The name of Aalto University recognises and commemorates Alvar Aalto, a world-renowned Finnish architect who made significant contributions to the fields of science, technology, economics and the arts. The current Rector is Professor Ilkka Niemelä, a world-renowned expert in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence.

Aalto University is ranked 112th in the world in the 2022 QS World University Rankings

Available Subjects:

  1. Summary of PhD positions/positions: PhD researcher positions in business, economics and finance

The Aalto University PhD program in Business, Economics and Finance invites applications for PhD researcher positions from students who will start their PhD studies at the Business School in 2020 and 2021. Students starting earlier are also eligible if there is an officially protected leave of absence, such as parental leave, Finnish military service or long-term sick leave.

Deadline: 31.1.2023

Details & Application.

  1. PhD position summary/position: PhD researcher in mathematics, operations research and statistics

Aalto University is the place where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs within and across our disciplines, inspiring tomorrow’s game changers, and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community consists of 12,000 students, 400 professors and nearly 4,000 other faculty and staff working primarily on the vibrant Otaniemi campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland. Diversity is part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure the inclusiveness of our community. We warmly encourage qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds to join our community.

Deadline: 31.1.2023

Details & Application.

  1. PhD Position Summary/Title: Software Analysis and Testability PhD Candidate Position

We are looking for a full time PhD candidate to work on engineering analysis of complex software systems. The target software system is Nokia software for mobile network products and the research focus is on analysis tools and techniques for software understanding, optimization and testability. The position will be funded in the context of a 4 year research program at Nokia (based on an initial 2 year contract + 2 year extension). Key ideas are to analyze software code, documentation, tests, logs, etc. to (i) detect problematic code dependencies/patterns, (ii) manage change adaptation considering the evolution of underlying dependencies on software and hardware, and (iii) optimize large scale testing workflows. Big data, dependency analysis, machine learning and testing methodologies will be used for research and development, while strong skills in large scale software systems are important. The PhD candidate will work closely with the Nokia Software team.

Deadline: 31.1.2023

Details & Application.

  1. PhD position summary/position: PhD researcher in thermal nanoscience

We are looking for PhD researchers (PhD students) for a project to study the thermal properties of nanomaterials through optical characterization methods. As electronic and photonic devices become smaller in size, it is becoming increasingly important to understand heat flow at the nanoscale, as the waste heat generated has a huge impact on both device performance and energy efficiency. At the same time, measurement of thermal properties of nanoscale structures is challenging and requires sophisticated instrumentation.

Deadline: 31.12.2022

Details & Application.

  1. PhD Position Summary/Position: PhD Researcher in Thermal Nanoscience

We are looking for PhD researchers (PhD students) for a project to study the thermal properties of nanomaterials through optical characterization methods. As electronic and photonic devices become smaller in size, it is becoming increasingly important to understand heat flow at the nanoscale, as the waste heat generated has a huge impact on both device performance and energy efficiency. At the same time, measurement of thermal properties of nanoscale structures is challenging and requires sophisticated instrumentation.

Deadline: 31.12.2022

Details & Application.

  1. PhD position summary/position: PhD researcher and/or postdoctoral researcher in the field of wood science and technology

The candidate will work mainly on different projects related to wood-water interactions, wood modification techniques and other treatments. These positions are available immediately, but start dates can be negotiated several months in advance. These positions are open by the Wood Materials Science Research Group led by Prof. Lauri Rautkari. The laboratories are located in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems at the main campus of Aalto University in Otaniemi (Finland), which is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities ( and the Nanomicroscopy Center (http://

Deadline: 22.12.2022

Details & Application.

  1. PhD position summary/position: PhD researcher in machine learning for atmospheric sciences

We are looking for a PhD student to join the Computational Electronic Structure Theory (CEST) group at the Department of Applied Physics of Aalto University. In this position, you will have the opportunity to make an impact on atmospheric science by applying artificial intelligence tools to the molecular modeling of aerosol chemistry. Your project will be part of the recently established VILMA Center of Excellence in Atmospheric Sciences Research (funded by the Academy of Finland for the period 2022-2029). Our long-term goal is to understand the processes of molecular aggregation in the atmosphere and how they affect air quality and climate change.

Deadline: 16.12.2022

Details & Application.

  1. PhD Position Summary/Position: PhD Researcher (PhD Student) position in the field of computational materials science

Your main task will involve performing and analyzing large-scale simulations of radiation effects in semiconductor materials using the supercomputing resources available to the team. The primary computational tool will be molecular dynamics, enabled by a series of extensions useful for modeling non-equilibrium processes. You will work independently, but under the close support and supervision of the group leader, Prof. Andrea Sand. The position will enable you to deepen your understanding of materials science, further develop skills in computation and programming as well as scientific writing and presentation, and grow as an independent researcher. You will be expected to complete your PhD thesis within four years. As part of the group, you will participate in group meetings where you will present your research progress and co-supervise undergraduate and master students. In addition, PhD students are expected to participate in teaching activities within the department as course assistants.

Deadline: 15.12.2022

Details & Application.

  1. Ph.D. Position Summary/Title: Ph.D. researcher position in the field of nanophotonics

We are looking for an outstanding graduate student to join the Optics and Photonics group to conduct theoretical and experimental research in nanophotonics. The research will focus on the development of surface nanostructures and nanomaterials capable of controlling optical fields with unprecedented efficiency and precision, thereby increasing versatility while significantly reducing the size of optical components and devices. Potential applications for the nanostructures to be developed range from novel light sources and detectors to advanced imaging systems and on-chip optical processors. The appointment is for four years, starting flexibly in the fall of 2022. The research is funded by the Academy of Finland and in collaboration with researchers from the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Tampere.

Deadline: 15.12.2022

Details & Application.

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