
Several PhD scholarship positions at the prestigious European University of Amsterdam

Scholarship: Fully funded
DegreeBS, M.S.
Nationality: International Students
Location: Netherlands
Application deadlines: Open

Scholarship Description:

Founded in 1632, the University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam, UvA) is a leading world-class research university located in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. It is a member of the Global University Consortium, Universitas 21, the European Capital University Consortium and the European Research University Consortium. It has produced six Nobel Prize winners and five Dutch prime ministers.

The University has seven departments: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry.

The Amsterdam Business School is one of the best business schools in the Netherlands and Europe, with three of the world’s top accreditations – EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA – and only a handful of business schools in the world hold all three. 2023 QS World University Rankings: 58th in the world. 2022 U.S. News World University ranking: 38th in the world.

Application Procedure:

  1. Summary/Title of the PhD position: De-growth, circular economy and metabolism in urban areas

We are looking for two PhD candidates who will work on a project on circular economy and de-growth in urban areas called DECYCLE, led by PI Dr Federico Savini. The project investigates the establishment of a regulatory framework for the way urban waste is reused and reduced. Three sectors are investigated: the built environment and construction waste, food waste and the industrial food chain, and incineration waste heat networks. As part of the PhD programme, candidates will conduct empirical research and conceptual analysis of initiatives aimed at reusing and reducing waste streams. These initiatives will be selected with a supervisor but will be carried out in urban areas in four specific countries/regions: Spain, Italy (PhD1), Germany and Austria (PhD2). One candidate will focus on Italy and Spain.

Deadline: 15 December 2022

Details & apply at

  1. Summary/Title of PhD positions: two PhD positions in Session AI

PhD position A
The PhD project corresponding to this vacancy aims to make neural networks of conversational agents more efficient. How can we reduce their data and computational footprint at training time and at inference time? Knowledge distillation has emerged as a potential solution, allowing small student models to learn from large teacher models and mimic the performance of large teacher models. In this project, you will develop neural architecture search methods to efficiently simulate large conversation models constrained by limited memory and parameter budgets. This open research will be conducted within the IRLab under the supervision of Prof. Maarten de Rijke.

PhD position B
The PhD project corresponding to this vacancy aims to generate synthetic data for training conversational agents. One of the limitations of developing models for conversational agents is the availability and cost of labelled training data. A common way to alleviate this need is to increase the amount of training data through data augmentation. In this project, we will use controlled text generation techniques to develop alternative and unbiased dialogue trajectories to train dialogue systems. This open research will be conducted within IRLab under the supervision of Prof. Evangelos Kanoulas

Deadline: 23 December 2022

Details & application:

  1. PhD Position Summary/Title: Theoretical Computer Science

Have you ever wondered about the mathematical techniques that underpin the information revolution , e.g. Let’s read this website? Are you passionate about mathematics and eager to tackle problems that arise in theoretical computational research? Are you excited by the prospect of collaborating with other mathematically inclined researchers to tackle these problems? We are looking for a PhD student to carry out cutting-edge research in Theoretical Computer Science (TCS).

Closing date: 15 December 2022

Details & apply at

  1. PhD position summary/title: Computational Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence

Do you enjoy working in an interdisciplinary research environment where computational chemistry and AI-oriented research join forces? The van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Science, in collaboration with Microsoft Research Amsterdam, is looking for an ambitious PhD student to develop and apply novel computational techniques to answer important chemical/biological/physical questions. Many systems and processes in biology, medicine and materials science consist of many interacting molecules that generate urgent and complex behaviour. Such complex systems undergo transitions between states, such as the folding of proteins, the association of ligands or phase changes to another state or states. These transitions are critical to understanding the behaviour of systems, but are often rare and difficult to study.

Deadline: 15 December 2022

Details & applications:

  1. PhD Position Summary/Title: Computational Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence

The aim of this project is to improve the design of molecular structures such as MOFs using a combination of machine learning (ML) and classical molecular simulation techniques. As the main goal is to design/optimise molecules/materials for certain desired properties, we will use ML to rapidly screen very large sets of potential structures and molecular simulation techniques to provide training data. Adsorption prediction and breakthrough simulations will be the main targets, but kinetic/transport properties are also important. In addition, ML combined with sampling algorithms will be used to design and optimise force fields.

Deadline: 15 December 2022

Details & applications:

  1. Abstract/Title of PhD position: Cellular water structure and dynamics

Water in living cells contains high concentrations of biomolecules that can significantly alter its properties (see There are even cells (such as bacterial spores) in which all chemical reactions are at a standstill: these cells can survive for years in a dry, chemically “frozen” state, from which they can fully recover and continue to live as if nothing had happened. The physical and chemical mechanisms behind this pause in metabolism remain a mystery. In this PhD project, you will help to solve this mystery by using state-of-the-art experimental methods to study the structure and dynamics of water and proteins in living cells that can survive extreme environments such as drought and heat shock. Understanding how some cells survive such long periods of complete desiccation will help to develop strategies for the dry, room temperature storage of blood and vaccines (important for third world countries), but may even be used for the dry storage of whole organisms. The project will be carried out at the University of Amsterdam in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute Mainz.

Deadline: 16 December 2022

Details & apply at

  1. Summary/Title of PhD position: 2 on solid hydrogen carrier (electro)chemical recovery

Hydrogen is becoming one of the key energy carriers for the future to meet the challenges of climate change and to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, also because it can help to compensate for the intermittency of renewable energy sources, while being sustainably produced from solar and wind energy, through electrolysis of water. However, the large-scale use of H2 will require large-scale storage. Various H2 storage options exist, including through the production and use of NaBH4, associated with the regeneration of spent fuel NaBO2. The aim of this research project is to develop NaBH4 as a recycled H2 storage option.

Deadline: 31 December 2022

Details & applications:

  1. PhD position summary/title: 3 photocatalysis and electrochemistry

The development of new technologies, including photocatalysis and electrochemistry, has enabled chemists to develop new synthetic methods for building organic molecules. Are you interested in developing new flow techniques to build these molecules in a more efficient way? If the answer is yes, then we may have something for you. We are looking for new PhD students with a background in synthetic organic chemistry or chemical engineering to make this happen.

Closing date: 01 February 2023

Details & apply to.

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