
Several post-doctoral fellowship positions at the National Institute of Computing and Automation, a leading French research center

Scholarship:  Fully-funded
Degree:   PhD
Nationality: International Students
Location: French
Application deadlines: Open

Scholarship Description:

The Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) is a French research institute focused on computer science, control theory and applied mathematics. Founded in 1967 in Roquecourt, near Paris, INRIA is a world-renowned research institute that ranks among the top universities and research institutions in the world in the field of computing. In the 2019 NeurIPS, the world’s leading academic conference on computing and machine learning, Inria was ranked 12th among universities and research institutions worldwide and 1st within the EU region in terms of the number of papers accepted.

Available Subjects:

  1. Position Summary: Personalized Intelligent Tutorial System (ITS) for Attention Training – Modeling and Effectiveness Study of Personalization Algorithms

The challenge addressed by this postdoctoral position is to build a “human-centered digital word” with innovative interactive systems providing “adaptive and personalized human interactions” to support “their well-being and health”. In addition, this PhD project focuses on an interdisciplinary approach based on the intrinsic motivation (curiosity) of individuals as a key element of synergistic human-computer interaction. Today, few studies provide information about the effects of intrinsic motivation and curiosity on inter-individual learning across time, or about their neuroprotective effects on aging effects or attentional disorders.

Deadline: 2023-03-31

  1. Position Summary: Stochastic Modeling of Communication Networks Postdoctoral Fellow

We are looking for candidates who are interested in probabilistic modeling of large communication networks.

Deadline: 2023-02-28

  1. Position Summary: Postdoctoral Fellow in Intra-Oceanic Tidal Dynamics

The Odyssey team (Inria, Ifremer & IMT Atlantique, France) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on the internal tidal dynamics of the ocean. The postdoctoral fellow will work on the ModITO project (Modelling of the Internal Tides of the Ocean), which aims to improve our understanding of the internal tides of the ocean and their mapping based on satellite altimeter data, especially for the upcoming SWOT mission. The main goal of the project is to develop and utilize a simplified model of internal tidal dynamics specifically designed to assimilate data from satellite altimeters and other observational sources (e.g., surface drifters). This work is expected to have a huge impact on the physical oceanography community: on the one hand, mapping the internal tidal field – separating more precisely the internal waves from the equilibrium motion – is of key importance in the SWOT mission. On the other hand, better quantification of internal tides and associated dynamical processes is key to better understanding ocean circulation and improving ocean model parameterization.

Deadline: 2023-02-28

  1. Position Summary: Determining individual-based models of growth and gene expression dynamics from population snapshot data Postdoctoral

Developing models and inference methods that can account for the variability observed in single-cell datasets is a fundamental step in understanding the origins and consequences of heterogeneity in microbial populations. Several approaches have been proposed for inferring stochastic models of gene expression from population snapshot data, i.e. quantitative single-cell measurements of gene expression and other attributes (cell size) in samples of cells taken from growing populations at different times. In general, existing modeling and inference methods do not explicitly take into account the fact that cell growth is heterogeneous across individuals in homogenous populations. To take into account this fact and the possible impact on the observed gene expression levels, individual-based modeling and inference approaches are necessary, however, their exploration is currently limited.

Deadline: 2023-02-28

  1. Position Summary: Postdoctoral metaprogramming of a principled category-theoretic library with Coq/Hierarchy-Builder

The Inria Université Côte d’Azur Center has 37 research groups and 8 support services. The Center’s staff (about 500 people) is composed of scientists, engineers, technicians and administrative staff of different nationalities. The majority of the Center’s research groups are located in Sophia Antipolis, with five of them in the Inria branch in Montpellier. The Inria branch in Montpellier is growing in size, in accordance with the strategy described in the institution’s Objectives and Performance Contract (COP). The postdoctoral fellows will work in the context of the ANR project CoREACT (Coq-based Rewriting: Towards an Executable Theory of Applied Categories), which focuses on IRIF (UP), LIP (ENS-Lyon), LIX (École Polytechnique) and Sophia-Antipolis (Inria).

Deadline: places are limited and will be available until full

  1. Position Summary: Postdoc in Neural Appearance Modeling

The Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée Center has 34 research groups and 7 support departments. The Center’s staff (about 500 people, including 320 Inria employees) is composed of scientists of different nationalities (250 foreigners from 50 countries), engineers, technicians and administrative staff. 1/3 of the staff are civil servants and the rest are contracted. The majority of the Center’s research groups are located in Sophia-Antipolis and Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes department. Four teams are located in Montpellier and two in Bologna and Athens, Italy. The Center is a founding member of the University of the Côte d’Azur and a partner of the I-site MUSE supported by the University of Montpellier.

Deadline: 2023-02-07

  1. Position Summary: Postdoc in Microscopic Description of Physical Phenomena – Mathematical Aspects

This postdoctoral position is offered within the PARADYSE team in Lille-Indreia and involves a close collaboration with the mathematics laboratory of the University of Lyon 1 (Institut Camille Jordan). The main purpose of this collaboration is to better understand dynamical phenomena involving particles. These phenomena are described by fundamental models in several fields of physics. The main focus is on the derivation of models, the study of stationary states, asymptotic behavior, and the connection between the different levels of description (micro/macro models).

Deadline: 2023-02-05

  1. Position Summary: Design strategies and tools to place HPC tasks and data on heterogeneous memory architectures Postdoc

The memory hierarchy of HPC platforms continues to become more complex. All processors now have multiple levels of cache, and memory itself has evolved with the advent of different technologies with different performance characteristics. Heterogeneous memory first appeared in HPC a few years ago with the Intel Xeon Phi processor. Customized strategies were implemented to place bandwidth-sensitive data buffers on the appropriate memory. The advent of non-volatile memory DIMMs (both as fast storage and as slow but high-capacity memory) posed similar problems. In addition, some ARM and x86 platforms will combine HBM and DRAM to achieve exascale goals. There is a critical need for software stacks to learn portable methods to identify different kinds of memory, abstract them in terms of performance, and decide where to allocate data buffers.

Deadline: 2023-01-31

  1. Position Summary: Postdoc in Spatial-Temporal 3D Animation Stylization

The overall goal of this project is to investigate how computer tools can help capture and reproduce the typicality of traditional 2D animation. More precisely, we plan to address the following two challenges.

How to interactively generate intermediate frames from sparse coarse graphical sequences in order to quickly explore different animation options and motion designs.

How to stylize the geometry and motion of 3D animations so that they can be seamlessly integrated into 2D animations.

These two goals address the tedious tasks currently performed by artists; they currently rely on manual techniques or ad hoc solutions that severely limit artistic creativity and significantly increase production time. The solutions we will develop in this project should be compatible with regular animation workflows and should provide sufficient control to the artist, who should remain at the center of the computer-human interaction loop.

Deadline: 2023-01-31

  1. Position Summary: Postdoc in Ebola Vaccine Immune Response Modeling

Human-to-human transmission of Ebola in West Africa was interrupted in 2016, but there is a real risk of the disease re-emerging. Therefore, efforts must continue to develop a safe and effective vaccine against Ebola virus disease with lasting preventive effects in the community. The Partnership for Research on Ebola Vaccine (PREVAC) is an international consortium that includes the French Institute of Health and Medical Research, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, health authorities and scientists from Guinea, Liberia, Mali, and Sierra Leone, a non-governmental organization (the International Medical Action Coalition), and Merck, Johnson & Johnson, and Bavarian Nordic Company.

Deadline: 2023-01-31

  1. Position Summary: Postdoc in Wireless Communication for Vehicular Networks based on Advanced and Secure Machine Learning Methods

The postdoc will develop methods for the coexistence and interaction of different communication technologies in a vehicular environment. In particular, VLC, 802.11 and V2X will be considered. Algorithms will be developed in simulations (based on simulation tools such as NS3) and possibly validated on a prototype/test bench based on software-defined approaches. Vulnerability and susceptibility studies will be performed and the postdoc will have to generate different denial of service or packet injection attacks and test/validate the robustness of the multi-technology approach to the different attacks generated. The metrics to be considered for robustness are connection retention, packet loss, and latency. The decision to switch from one technique to another will be based on the best approach developed by Lamih, considering that the energy consumption of the system must be minimized.

Deadline: 2023-01-31

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