
WH Bryan Earth Sciences PhD Scholarship at Queensland University of Technology

Scholarship: $32,000 each year for three years
Degree: B.S, M.S.
Nationality: International Students
Location: Australia
Application deadlines: 10/31/2022

Scholarship Description:

The aim of the WH Bryan Scholarship is to advance the understanding of Queensland Earth Sciences, addressing a globally significant problem leading to impactful outcomes, with the supported project to be led by a high-quality PhD candidate.

The scholarship commemorates the legacy of Professor WH Bryan MC who made many fundamental, impactful and diverse contributions to the geology of Queensland, tertiary education, and societal well-being.

The principal focus of The Bryan Foundation is on education, and the scholarship is aligned with the Foundation’s vision to support and empower people through education.

The topics of investigation are expected to be wide-ranging, consistent with the diverse areas of research and impact achieved by Professor WH Bryan MC over his career.

 Available Subjects:

  1. Earth Sciences

Eligibility criteria:

The scholarship is available for domestic or international students with the aim of supporting developing researchers in obtaining a highly valued research experience in Queensland.

The WH Bryan Scholarship is to support a new student and project. Students who have already received/accepted a PhD scholarship offer, and/or who have already enrolled in, or commenced a PhD program are not eligible.

The successful student will need to commence their studies at the host university by 30 June 2023.

Application Procedure:

For further information, please contact: Dr Scott Bryan
Director, The Bryan Foundation
GPO Box 3119 Brisbane Qld 4001

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