Postdoc positions of Drug Delivery in VCU Nanotherapeutics Lab Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics, Richmond, Virginia, USA

Scholarship: Fully funded
Degree:   PhD
Nationality: International Students
Location: USA
Application deadlines:  Open

Scholarship Description:

Prof. Qingguo Xu is Associate Professor and Blick Scholar of Pharmaceutics(primary), Ophthalmology, and Biomedical Engineering at VCU. Prof. Xu received his B.E. in Polymer Materials and M.E. in Materials Science from Tianjin University. In 2009, he obtained D.Phil. in Materials Science at the University of Oxford as a Dorothy Hodgkin (DHPA) Scholar. He was a postdoctoral fellow during 2010-2013 and Research Associate faculty during 2013-2017 at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine working with Prof. Justin Hanes. Currently, he directs a Nanotherapeutics Research Lab with two NIH R01 grants and one NIH UG3 grant (total ~ $8 million), looking for driven, creative talents to join the team. His research program is interested at translational research to develop novel therapy and drug delivery systems to treat eye disease, drug abuse, and lung infections.

Prof. Xu is an inventor on 15 pending or awarded patents, at least three of which have been licensed to industry for commercialization. The School of Pharmacy is located at VCU Medical campus, and currently ranked #17 in the country by US News.

Prof. Xu has authored 30 research papers, including PNAS, Science Translational Medicine, Science Advances, ACS Nano, Journal of Controlled Release, and Biomaterials. These efforts have led to many awards and recognitions including 2018 Powe Junior Faculty Award, 2019 VCU Blick Scholar, 2019 AOPT Young Investigator, 2019 CRS Ocular Delivery Young Investigator.

Available Subjects:

  • Develop new nanomedicine methodsto treateyediseases;
  • Develop novel drug dosage forms for treating opioia use disorders;
  • Develop novel drypowderaerosol formulations for treating lung infections.

Eligibility criteria:

  • PhD in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, chemical engineering, bioengineering, polymer/biomaterials, or arelated area.
  • The fellows will get training and work on the design and development of novel drug delivery systems, investigate the disease pathopsiog, and study the efficacv. safety and pharmacokinetics.

Application Procedure:

  • Qualified applicants are asked to submit a cover letter with a brief description of research experience, research plan/interest, a CV, and contact information for three references to [email protected] .
  • The job posting:,
  • Or check Prof Qingguo Xu’s CV at