Looking for 2-3 PhD students at North Carolina State University

Scholarship:  Full benefits as per university rule
Degree: recent BS or MSC degree 
Nationality: International Students
Location: USA
Application deadlines:  Dec 15, 2022

Scholarship Description:

Marcelo’s lab is focused on software testing and automated software engineering. Our broad vision is to integrate practical methods to the tasks of preventing, detecting, and fixing bugs and vulnerabilities in code. Check my webpage for more details: https://damorim.github.io

I am looking for 2-3 PhD students to join my group in Fall 2023, as part of our continued growth in software engineering in the CS department at North Carolina State University (NCSU): https://www.csc.ncsu.edu/research/.

Available Subjects:

  •  Software engineering.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The structure of the PhD program at CSC NCSU: https://www.csc.ncsu.edu/academics/graduate/degrees/phd.php
  • City of Raleigh: https://raleighnc.gov
    The Research Triangle Park (RTP): https://www.rtp.org <– lots of opportunities for internships

Application Procedure:

  • If you are interested, please apply to the CS PhD program at NCSU (https://www.csc.ncsu.edu/academics/graduate/admdeadlines.php). In your application, mention “software engineering” as an area of research interest, and mention “Marcelo d’Amorim” as a potential adviser.