Looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow at Indiana University School of Medicine, USA

Scholarship: Competitive salary (comparable to NIH post-doc level) and benefits package.
Degree: Ph.D
Nationality: International Students
Location: USA
Application deadlines: Open

Scholarship Description:

The laboratory of Dr Charles Dong in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Indiana University School of Medicine is looking for a skilled and motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the research team. Dr Dong’s research is funded by the National Institutes of Health. Current research interests in the laboratory focus on the pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms of fatty liver, diabetes and obesity, and cancer.

Available Subjects:

Biomedical sciences

Eligibility criteria:


  1. Experience in molecular biology, cell biology, animal pathophysiology preferred.
  2. some skills in animal experimentation.
  3. excellent academic publications in recognised peer-reviewed journals, written and oral communication skills in English, and very good organisational skills.
  4. The candidate should be highly motivated and driven to innovate.

Application Procedure:

Interested candidates should send their CVs and three letters of recommendation to

Charles Dong, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Indiana University School of Medicine

E-mail: xcdong@iu.edu

Webpage: https://medicine.iu.edu/faculty/19563/dong-x